Cell Phone Pirates Turn Tennessee Into a Foreign Country
I’m visiting my sister in Southside, TN. It’s a very beautiful rural scene. Pastoral fields surrounded by dense green forests. Among the rolling hills a farm house or a church steeple will appear. There is a church at nearly every country intersection: Methodist,...
In the Mind’s Eye
Many times when people think about getting into business for themselves, they cherish the idea of the freedom and control it would bring, but are often stifled by fear. ‘How will I find customers?’, ‘How do I find the money I need?’, ‘Will anyone really buy what I’m...
Great Expectations
Probably the most important thing we do in business is manage expectations. If your customer expects a hot juicy steak, it better not be cold. If they are expecting a white sedan, a blue coupe will not do. Whether or not you can get them to accept what...
How Good Is Your Vision?
Proverbs 29:18 says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’. President George H.W. Bush famously said, ‘I don’t do the ‘vision thing’’. And your mom said, ‘Eat your carrots, it will improve your vision’. Somewhere in those three different...
The Fable of the Trusted Advisor
In the fable of the princess and the frog, one kiss transforms the reptile into a handsome prince. The frog can’t make the kiss happen, he has to convince the princess to bestow this favor on him. Once it happens, the two become very important to each other, their...
All Information is Created Equal
We reward the right answer. Getting the right answer leads to correct decisions and actions. Being accurate and correct is a requirement of success. But sometimes our focus on getting the right answer blocks our discovering the wrong one. Sometimes, these wrong...
Why Are We Doing This?
You probably remember the old saw about the wisdom of bringing a knife to a gunfight. Obviously you’ll be out matched and have a bad day. Yet, so much of the thinking that goes into shaping and changing companies revolves around the tools and tactics that a consultant...
How to Make a Successful Partnership
Becky, a consultant, was telling us about a proposal she made a few years ago. The project was big and she needed help so she partnered with company that she had worked with before. They agreed to work as one company to reduce customer concerns about managing multiple...
Work Your Network
Based on a mash up of computer networking theory and the concept of six degrees of separation, network science is an emerging theory of marketing. It’s the building and utilization of a group of contacts whom you could help that can help you. The website...
Read Me
We help people fix business problems . We design business structures for them. We help them secure funding and determine strategies for growth. All of these things have one thing in common: At some point, all of what is said is boiled down to words on...