909-268-0940 | 800-741-8444 pmehit@custombps.com

In our experience, people fall into four main groups:

  • Those who want to be business owners but don’t know what they need or where to start (Ready, Set… Maybe)
  • Those who have a solid idea of what to do but are unclear about where to find the money to start (Ready to Go, Got No Dough)
  • Those already in business who are looking to expand (I Want to Expand My Business)
  • Those who are in business and are overwhelmed (Where is My Life !)

Ready, Set … Maybe….

Do you want to be an entrepreneur but are not sure what business to start?

Are you deciding between opening a franchise, purchasing a business or starting a business from scratch?

Do you have a business idea, but are not sure of your next steps?

Do you have a limited business background?

Does your business knowledge come from being an employee?

You will move faster, with fewer mistakes, if you collaborate with people who can tell how to steer clear of trouble. People who can help you build a solid business because they’ve done it many times before.

Contact us to get started by calling 800-741-8444 or click here to contact us via email.

Ready to Go…Got No Dough

You have your business all figured out, but you have questions:

Are the assumptions I’ve made workable?   Have I set aside a reasonable amount of time to get things done?

How much money will I need to open my business?

Will my business be attractive to investors?  What information would an investor want to know to consider funding my business?

Will I be able to get an SBA-guaranteed loan?  What will I need to present to a bank?

We have extensive experience helping people answer these questions: $140,000,000 worth of experience.  We can help you create the story, the supporting financial projections and other information you need to close the deal.

Get started by calling 800-741-8444 or click here to contact us via email.


Expansion (Annual revenues $2 million and above)

There are two parts to expanding a business: deciding how you are going to do it and securing the resources and money needed.  We can help with both.

We can help you set the new destination for your business, whether it be a new product, reaching more or different customers or merging with other companies to speed up growth.  

We can then help you determine how you will fund your expansion and create the appropriate information and documents that will bring in the money so you can get started.  The purpose of all documents, including business plans, should be to guide the funding source through the due diligence process.

This can be a tricky proposition, whether you are seeking funding from investors, banks or venture capital companies. Each have different requirements, seek different outcomes and therefore look your company differently.  The better you anticipate what they are looking for, the more likely the funding will come through.

Time is ticking by! Call 800-741-8444 or click here to contact us via email.

Where is My Life ?!!

If you can’t take an afternoon off, go to the doctor or play a round of golf without your cell phone blowing up with questions from employees or problems from customers, you need help.  Sometimes there is so much chaos that’s it’s hard to know where to start.

When you start your business, it’s easy to manage because you are responsible for everything and you know everything that goes on.  But as your business grows and you bring on employees, unless you build systems, the business will be controlled by the employees, maybe not the ones you intended.  Sometimes the organization is being run ‘from the bottom’ by people who are focused on getting the immediate work done instead of helping you grow the business the way you want.  And worse yet, you may not even be aware it’s happening, because you’re so busy putting out fires.

This is where we come in. Before starting our business, we helped organize the operations of many Fortune 1000 companies, and then dozens more in our own company.  We can help you get your business humming and get your life back!

If you are getting ready exit or sell your business, then you really need to speak with us. A business that is organized around processes and procedures will deliver up to 2 to 4x more at sale than one that is built around individuals. Not recognizing this simple fact is why owners don’t receive the price they’re hoping for (…and this happens a lot).

How We Make It Better, Faster and More Profitable

The reason your business is not operating the way you had hoped is because you didn’t set a specific destination when you started so it grew opportunistically based on the customers you bumped in to.

First we establish where you want to be, the income you want, the hours you want to work.  We help you visualize and establish those goals so that all the work that comes after will move you toward that destination.


How We Charge For Our Services

Fixed Price and Scope

When we can agree on scope, that is what work is required by everyone, we usually quote fixed price.  That way you have a firm budget for the work and we know exactly what is expected.

Time and Material

When scope cannot be sufficiently defined, or when you would like the flexibility of exploring different business models or changes in product offerings for example, then that work would be performed on a time and material basis.


When your project will be subject to many changes, stops or starts or if you want to have us on call to work with you as you need us, a retainer approach will give you priority scheduling and nearly immediate availability.


For single consultations and small projects, we are billable by the hour at our then prevailing rate without the need for a contract.

We can help you navigate your way to success! Call today for a free consult or fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up your free consultation!

11 + 15 =

Or if you’re in a hurry, schedule a Zoom or telephone session by clicking on the button below

Schedule Appointment


CBPS - Helping thousands of people find success in business since 2004

800-741-8444 - 909-268-0940