909-268-0940 | 800-741-8444 pmehit@custombps.com

We’d love to speak to your group, club or class!

With dozens of years of experience and over a decade in our own company, there are few situations we haven’t seen.  We love meeting with people and sharing stories.  We especially love bringing information to business people that is valuable, interesting and fun.  


We have a wealth of videos about how to get things done, useful tactics and resources and people who might be valuable you at our channel.

Upcoming Events

Come and check us out at our next event.  Click on the button below to see where we’ll be next!


We Can Teach and Entertain Your Group

We can speak to your group

We have a number of topics that we speak about and can tailor them for nearly any business audience.

We can train your group or company

We have delivered thousands of hours of training over our career, including an 18 month management skills program, developed by us, for a law enforcement agency,  that was delivered to nearly 200 people.

We have spoken to numerous trade, community and educational groups.  The subjects below are some samples of what we’ve spoken on and we’re open to creating content for your group.  The talks can run from 15 minutes to one hour.

Our current presentation is “Reach Any Goal in Seven Steps”

The future is a time of promise, but also a time of uncertainty.  Many of your members are concerned, maybe even nervous, about the future.  To be able to address uncertain times, they must have the ability to pivot, that is change direction in a way that is to their advantage.  Sounds simple, but hard to do, until now.

Your members may be wondering:

  • How do I get past this rough patch?
  • Why is it taking so long to reach my goals? Am I doing something wrong?
  • My choices aren’t producing the results I want, what should I do?

Their talk will result in your members:

  • Getting unstuck and moving forward on their goals
  • Understanding how to breakdown massive problems so they are solvable
  • Learning about the seven steps that every person has used to reach the success they desire.

After this highly impactful and interactive talk, that can be scaled from 15 minutes to one hour, your members will be energized and motivated  to transform their lives!

Other Topics

Working With Those You Love – A guide on how to chase your dreams without chasing away those you love

Imagine Yourself in Your Own Business – Who you have to be, what you need to know and how you get started in your new business

Getting the Best From Your Employees – Why your employees need structure to excel and how to add it to your company quickly and simply

The Three Mistakes That Parents Make That Limit Their Kids Success – A look at why college is not always the best option for some high schoolers and how to evaluate if entrepreneurship is a good choice instead

Ten Reasons Businesses Fail and How to Avoid Them – A count down of the common mistakes small business owners make

My Phone Won’t Stop Ringing and it’s Making Me Crazy – A talk about how you can get your business under control and your employees doing what you want so you can have a life

We love it when light bulbs go on. Teaching and sharing our knowledge in classes that are customized for your organization is one of our favorite things.

Classes can be custom tailored to your organization and can be, depending on the subject from 90 minutes to 4 hours.  For specific situations, we can create multi-day programs.  As an example, we created a five day, eight hour per day training course in management skills for a public law enforcement agency.

We have delivered training on the following subjects.

Basic Consulting Skills – Learn the basics of consultative selling, client expectation management and scope control for solopreneurs and consultants

Five Magic Words – Developing an elevator pitch

Achieve the Sales Goal – Identifying your customer, developing your message and marketing tactics

Killer Business Plan Workshop or Bootcamp – Interactive day long or multi-day course for those looking to write a killer business plan

Setting and Controlling Scope – A must for new and small business owners in service businesses so that proposals and contracts do not leave you exposed to open ended obligation

Strategy and Tactics for Managers – Learn how to interpret vision, mission and goal statements so that your department or section is in alignment with the whole organization

Dealing With Change – Learn how identify potential resistance to change in your business along with tactics for dealing with it

Increasing Employee Productivity – Understand how policy, process and procedure can give your company the structure it needs to get unstuck and growing

Stop Fighting Fires – A course in practical prioritization and time management

Handling Emotional Situations – Learn how to diffuse emotional situations while preserving the integrity of the work relationship

Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback – Especially valuable for owners who have many employees and several managers in their operation

Designing Effective Meetings – Learn how to corral the disrupters, stay on track, finish on time and get things done.


Book Us For Your Next Meeting!

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CBPS - Helping thousands of people find success in business since 2004

800-741-8444 - 909-268-0940